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Listing & Selling Notes

selling listing notesListing Notes Online

Thanks for your interest in listing assets on, the premier online trading platform for real estate notes and REO.

Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible. Basically we need:

  1. Transaction Details (In Excel or Text format)
  2. Collateral File Documentation In PDF Format
  3. Transaction Fee Agreement/NDA

For more details use our checklist below or click here to download the PDF version.

We look forward to bringing you top dollar for your assets. Please email us at [email protected] or call 1.800.969.1200 x107 with any questions!

Assets Desired

  • Performing and non performing real estates notes in all states (except California)
  • All property types including Residential, Commercial, Land & Mobiles with Land
  • Documents have been recorded (Mortgage, Trust Deed, or Contract For Deed)
  • Minimum of 30 days seasoning with one payment made (exceptions on a case-by-case basis)
  • Compliant or exempt from Dodd-Frank and other applicable regulations

Steps For Selling Real Estate Notes On NotesDirect

Step 1 - Sign the Listing Agreement and Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Please request by emailing [email protected].

Step 2 - Provide Transaction Details. A sample spreadsheet of standard information can be downloaded at

Step 3 - Provide Document Copies in PDF format. Standard documents include:

  • Settlement or Closing Statement
  • Promissory Note
  • Recorded Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Contract For Deed
  • Prior Assignments, Note Endorsements/Allonge, or Modifications (if any)
  • Other Applicable Documents (mobile home title, BK filings, etc.)
  • Payment History
  • Real Estate Tax Statement
  • Property Insurance Declaration Page (except Land)
  • Title Policy or Search
  • Photo of Property, BPO or Appraisal

Step 4 - NotesDirect reviews transaction, confirms listing price, and adds asset to portal.

Step 5 - Seller views asset listings through sign-in at portal.

Step 6 - Investor/Buyer places an order to purchase through NotesDirect with closing/funding required within 10 calendar days. Closing documents facilitated by NotesDirect with settlement statement provided to seller for review.

Step 7 - Original documents exchanged for purchase price at closing.